About Us



The massive privilege that came along with living in destinations like France and Brazil was not lost on me. I was completely taken with their culture, creativity and diversity.

In these places I had wonderful, life-changing experiences working with art, interior design and as a publisher. My appreciation of fine design, intriguing heritage and exquisite taste inspired me to create this exclusive Concept Store.

Luxury is so much more than prestige and glamour. Luxury is about feeling and experience. It’s about the highest quality of craftsmanship, comfort, family and love.

As a publisher, I love the glossy bright pages, sharp-eyed photography, the tantalizing titles, and the well-written words.

As my love affair with art and creativity continues to expand, I hope you’ll enjoy the ride with me and absorb the beauty of Timeless Concept Store !
Laine Macek

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF | Gislaine Macek ART DIRECTOR | Raphael Macek DESIGNER | Kado Gonzalez

COPY-WRITE 2019, GDK International Investments LLC. All Rights reserved. No part of this may be reproduced without the written permission of GDK International Investments LLC. Neither the publishers nor the advertisers will be held responsible for any errors found in the magazine. The publishers accept liability for the accuracy of statement made by advertisers. ADs and CONTENTS in this publication are not intended as an offer where prohibited by state laws.